Sunday, May 24, 2020

Csikszentmihalyis Concept of Flow Applied to My Time as a...

Csikszentmihalyi developed the concept of flow and the various charatestics it consist of such as setting goals , finding a balance between challenges and skill , focusing on the craft instead of outside factors , and more. Flow as defined by Csikszentmihalyi , is the state of optimal experience. Flow activities are done for their own sake and not for extrinisic rewards. Flow experiences have defined qualities which consist of goal setting , and working towards these goals with appropriate steps , and a positive outlook. When you are in a flow state , time doesn’t matter , the task at hand is important , no self image concerns , and the experience is rewarding in the inner aspect , not the outer. You have to be motivated to have the flow†¦show more content†¦In more detail , one of my duties as a student-athlete is to exclude any distractions from around me. I have to be focused on the task at hand whether it is school work , or beating the powder blue school in a riv al game. Drama that is unnecessary , and chaos can distract any person from the task at hand. It is a must to know that with this dual role failure is inevitable , focusing on what’s going to go wrong , or what is wrong won’t allow me to elevate or accomplish any goal. It is important for me to not worry about any failure. My self portrayal is something that I’ve learned to do away with. Most sports consist of more than one individual on a roster. When you are a basketball player such as myself , over indulgence with self-image has to cease. This proved to be true once I came to one of the greatest universities in the nation , University of Southern California. I realized that the image I potray isn’t necessarily what I should be focused on. I need to be focused on the team , and our image. It isn’t about self , they are like my brothers. Time is another area with my flow experience when I would practice , or complete a laundry list of assignments . Those long hours , and days seemed to zoom by without me even knowing , because I was focused on my studies. The flow experience is very rewarding , it’s a sense of maturity and growth. Satisifcation comes through my work ethic , and the work ethic of my team. This is a concept

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